Toronto Fringe Review: Too Much Information Improvised
Paddy MacDonald and Steph Haller
Steph and Paddy used to date. It was awkward and the sex was bad — so they both assure us. And why not tell us in the form of an improvised show? It’s a cute idea, they give brief monologues about the failed relationship and personal shortcomings interspersed with vaguely related improved scenes.
Now, before I continue, I must expose my biases. I do not like improv. I am not the ideal audience for this show, as I am half jealous of the requisite bravery and quick thinking, and half cringing for every moment it doesn’t work. It’s uncomfortable. The rest of the audience seemed to enjoy it far more than I did, but that makes sense as many people there seemed to be fans of improv.
The highs: the frank discussion of women’s sexuality and desires, more specifically, women as the more overtly sexual. And themes of men being the shyer and less forthcoming of the sexes. Some unexpected and quick thinking resulting in deep belly laughs (including my own!)
The lows: improv scenes seemed more related to ideas they wanted to riff on than audience suggestions. Cis gendered heterosexual relationships are… well… a bit played out?
If improv isn’t your bag, Steph and Paddy aren’t likely to magically make you a fan. But if you are a fan of the art, give them a shot! By all accounts, they have much better chemistry as partners in improv than in failed romance!
Too Much Information Improvised is on now until July 17 as part of the 2022 Toronto Fringe Festival.
Find show times and tickets here.
The actors in Before We Go are like comedic wizards.