Album Review: Jordan Foisy, Friend Daddy
Friend Daddy is the perfect name for this album, Jordan Foisy’s second release with Comedy Records. At first, you think, “wow, this raspy-voiced man sure has a way with words. Maybe he’ll have some sage advice for me as I navigate the adult world.” Then you hear some of his stories and go, “eh, maybe we’ll just get a couple of beers sometime.”
That’s the appeal of Jordan Foisy, a dynamo writer/comedian on the Canadian scene. He’s obviously intelligent but entirely approachable.
On Friend Daddy, he has a natural rapport with his (very outgoing) audience, making the whole thing feel like a hangout with a funny friend. His subject matter is unique to his experiences, making him “I saw that on a meme”-proof. Go along with Foisy as he bathes a dog with a stranger and questions whether or not he has herpes (unrelated).
But it’s not all funny drinking stories. ‘Big Brother Feelings’ is an especially relatable track that’s as funny as it is heartwarming.
This is the perfect comedy album to keep your spirits up on a commute, while running errands, or anytime you need a Friend Daddy.
Friend Daddy was released October 1, 2021 on Comedy Records.
Listen to it here.
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