Review: Middleditch and Schwartz, Netflix

Upon watching Netflix’s new comedy special, I assumed I had an advantage of reviewing Middleditch & Schwartz, as someone who has performed improvisation for over ten years. Surprisingly, I was hindered by my experience and bias. Therefore, I present to you - A Choose Your Own Adventure Middleditch & Schwartz Review.

I’ve Never Seen Improv Before:
You’ll love this special. Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz have the chemistry of your older sibling’s guy friends in high school that you had a crush on. Middleditch is especially hilarious when recounting how as a grade six student he made love to his girlfriend. Truly one of those, “you had to be there” jokes, because now seeing it in print, seems, not cool.

I’ve Seen Improv Before:
You will be amused. It will be noted how low energy they are while gathering their “get” off the top of the show. Both Schwartz and Middleditch have trouble keeping track of the characters they have created. Which, if it were to happen in one episode of the three part special, would be charming; but it happens in every episode. May I suggest Googling “TJ and Dave”?

I’m a Comedian Who is Confused as to How They Finagled a Netflix Deal For What I Do Every Friday Night for the Price of a Beer:
I’m glad two white men are finally bringing improv to the Netflix generation. 

Middleditch and Schwartz was released April 21, 2020 on Netflix.

- Alessandra Vite