Review: Jade Eagleson, Jade Eagleson
Authentic is a woefully misused word, seconded only by organic, another verbal punching bag. But in considering Jade Eagleson’s keenly anticipated self-titled debut, both fit. Jade Eagleson sounds like a damn country record, a needle in a haystack. If you hate country music, brother, this ain’t your joint. Hallelujah for that.
Copious alcohol consumption — and, fittingly, the spirit of George Jones circa the infamous lawnmower incident — loom large here as Eagleson scratches absurdly memorable songs out of familiar themes that sound absolutely farm fresh despite clearly considered production.
Consolidating Eagleson’s singles to date with three previously unreleased songs, the album’s 11 tracks (including an acoustic version of his hit “Got Your Name On It”) volley between doe-eyed love (the goose-bumpy ballad “Close”), remorseless post-breakup glee (the slinky, subversive “Count the Ways,” which should be required listening for the broken-hearted), and an emotion somewhere in between (the kinetic, super-catchy “Little Less Lonely”).
Through it all, Eagleson sounds at once weary, wise, and ready to drop LSD in the punchbowl. He also sounds brash, polished and not polished and decidedly comfortable in his Stetson and skin. Eagleson knows where he’s headed and he’s getting there at a powerful clip, throwing up dust in his wake.
With its slide guitar and homespun lyrics (“Put on those records / from George Jones to Strait / I got a drink somewhere calling my name”), the slow-building welcome-to-the-weekend anthem “Whiskey Tonight” is the album’s deepest bow to trad country and almost certain to cement our man’s status as the heir apparent to... well, to whomever you think best embodies authentic country music. ‘Nuff said.
Jade Eagleson was released July 24, 2020 on Universal Music Canada.
Listen to it here.
Whiskey Tonight · Jade Eagleson Jade Eagleson ℗ 2020 Universal Music Canada Inc.