Album Review: Andrew Hyatt, Neverland
Sudbury-bred Andrew Hyatt was originally an iron worker before opting to pursue music. And it seems like this EP has him striking while the iron is hot from start to finish. Hyatt begins the six-pack affair with "Hang Around Kind" that slowly builds like a solid Paul Brandt deep cut. But it pales compared to the highlight "I Needed That" as Hyatt resembles Tim McGraw while the guitars briefly go into overdrive.
The title track is a thoughtful, percussion-driven stroll that glides along thanks to Hyatt's pipes as well as the pristine musicianship on the chorus. It's nothing spiffy but it's perfect for the tune. Unfortunately "Stuck" seems to be just that early on, geared down to neutral despite the sound of an engine starting up.
The musician has got a lot of traction in 2020 thanks to "Didn't Know Me" which should be a radio staple well into 2021 and beyond. But it wouldn't be a shock if "Get Away With Anything" has the same staying power as "Didn't Know Me." Here he has a well-crafted song he hits out of the park. If you didn't know Hyatt yet, you will.
Neverland was released was released October 30, 2020 on 604 Records.
Listen to it here.
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Thirteen shows, five days, two performance spaces, one venue.
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